
Industrial Pandemics: The Spread of the Corporate Virus and How to Stop it

(Under Review)

The culmination of almost 20 years of research on the previously secret documents of the largest corporations on earth, this book reveals how corporations see the world, and why that’s bad news for all of us. Combining public health science and policy with philosophy and critical industry studies, this book not only traces the geneology of our current capture of government by industry and the grave impact this has on ballooning chronic disease, but after the diagnosis, the second half of the book also provides a treatment for this malady, individual, regional, and global, showing that the tools and the power needed to bring health for people and planet into priority, are already within reach – if we act together to make it so.

Interspecies Solidarity: Valuing difference in the biotic community


How can listening bring us closer to the more-than-human world? How do we communicate, anyhow? Taking up a biosemiotic lens, this exploration of interspecies politics discusses the importance of listening, becoming-with, and expanding democratic theory across species boundaries in order to make better decisions in the human polity. Drawing on communicative action and its critics, Interspecies Solidarity decenters action and agency to the alive world which acts with us.

Being Algae: Transformations in Water, Plants

(Brill, 2024)

The first ecohumanities book dedicated to algae, this edited volume (with Johanna Weggelaar, Natalia Derossi, and Sergio Mugnai) grew out of an exhibit and workshop at Het Nieuwe Instituut (the Dutch Design Museum) we created in 2019. Published in the Critical Plant Studies series, edited by Michael Marder, this book ushers in the ‘algal turn’ in critical plant studies, going back to the origins of plants in the sea as cyanobacteria proliferating oxygen on Earth through photosynthesizing for the first time, during the Great Oxidation Event. Available open access and in hardcover.

(Springer, 2021)

Co-edited with Jonathan Hope, this collection brings together biosemiotics with agricultural studies, food politics, and medical semiotics. It includes novel contributions to errant defense mechanisms of the body (when our immune system associates certain foods with chemical toxics accompanying them, thus producing allergies to certain foods when really the allergy is a defense mechanism against certain toxins that happened to be spatiotemporally associated with ingesting those foods).

Recent Publications


Association between financial links to indoor tanning industry and conclusions of published studies on indoor tanning: systematic review, BMJ


Financial Conflicts of Interest and Stance on Tobacco Harm Reduction: A Systematic Review, AJPH


The environmental externalities of tobacco manufacturing: A review of tobacco industry reporting, Ambio

Published papers

Please visit my profile to read a selection of published papers.