I am very pleased to announce that the Eighteenth Annual Biosemiotics Gathering will take place at the University of California Berkeley’s elegant International House grand auditorium June 17-20, 2018.  On behalf of the Organizing Committee, Terry Deacon and myself are excited to bring a host of new researchers to the Gathering, the flagship conference of the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies.

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Normally held in Europe, the Biosemiotics Gatherings offer an intimate yet intense venue for leading and emerging scholars in the field to exchange ideas. All talks are heard by all members as plenaries; we do not have break-out sessions. This ensures that the quality of discussion remains cohesive over the course of the Gathering, and that we all enjoy exposure to the various branches of the discipline, from literary, to linguistic, to philosophical, to microbiological, ethological, and beyond.

This event also serves as the annual meeting for the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies, and the journal Biosemiotics. Anyone curious about biosemiotics, cybernetics, and meaning-making in alloanimals and other organisms is invited to submit an abstract  or attend.

The Organizing Committee aims to make available a limited number of stipends and registration wavers for overseas graduate students with accepted abstracts, so please encourage graduate student participation in this Gathering as well.

To download the CFP, please do so here: Biosemiotics 2018 Call for Papers Jan22.

More information can be found at biosemiotics.life

We hope to see you in Berkeley in June!