A collection of some of my favorite humans who have ever enlarged our imagination:
(in no particular order, last date updated 5 March 2022)
Alexander F. Skutch – ornithologist and naturalist
Hannah Arendt – chronicler of the human condition
Kalevi Kull – theoretical biologist/biosemiotician
Jakob von Uexküll – father of theoretical biology
Montaigne – pragmatist before his time
Richard Doyle – ecodelic philosopher
Susanna Hecht – terra preta documenter and forest theorizer
Peter Linebaugh – archivist of the commons
Lynn Margulis – symbiogenesis
Howard Thurman – mentor to both MLK and Gandhi
Jacques Ellul – futurist and systems thinker (critical esp. of technology)
Alexander Weygers – Dutch American deep ecologist and inventor of the UFO
Emil M. Cioran – eccentric poet philosopher
Martín Prechtel – wise storyteller of the heart and honey